Feet Disorder

Disclaimer: Not medical or professional advice. Always seek the advice of your physician.

Feet Disorder

The foot consists of 26 bones that form several joints. They are held together by numerous elastic muscles and strong ligaments. The total weight of the human body is supported by the feet. So foot pain causes not only discomfort but also limits motor activity.

Foot pain can be a result of many different deformities and conditions. Common reasons include uncomfortable shoes, injuries, and diseases that require medical attention.

Common Foot Diseases


Bursitis is most common in women. The disease refers to a lateral deviation of the great toe. Another characteristic is overlapping toes. It causes painful inflammation in the joint. Bursitis requires surgical intervention.

Heel Spur

A heel spur is one of the most common conditions that often occur in athletes and people who are overweight. The disease involves the formation of growths on the surface of the calcaneus. Heel spurs develop gradually and can be successfully treated.

Almost every tenth person experiences the symptoms of a heel spur. The condition is characterized by a sharp pain in the heel and the inability to bear any weight on the affected foot. In its advanced stages, the structure of the foot may change. 


Foot mycosis is one of the most common fungal skin infections. It usually affects the skin between the toes and the bottom of the foot. The disease is caused by different fungal species, in particular Trichophyton and Candida. Once fungi enter the skin, they begin to multiply uncontrollably. As a result, it causes peeling, cracked skin between the toes, and diaper rash. At a later stage, the disease will spread to the toenails. They become discolored, thick, yellow and start to crumble at the edge. 

Cavus Foot

It is a deformity of the foot characterized by a high arch of the inner midfoot. People who have this condition place too much stress on the heel and the ball when walking and/or standing. Most often, the tops of the feet become sore. 

Diabetic Foot 

Diabetic foot is one of the major complications of diabetes. Diabetes may lead to changes in the shape of the feet, the formation of foot ulcers, bone or joint damage, loss of feeling in the feet. 

Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

Tarsal tunnel syndrome (medial ankle) is a common disease in athletes. The syndrome results from irritation of the tibial nerve. The main symptom of the disease is severe burning pain, which feels like an electric shock.

Foot Calluses

A callus is a local thickening and roughening of the skin, varying in color from white to yellow or gray. Callus formation is not only an aesthetic problem but also a source of chronic pain and other unpleasant sensations. In fact, calluses are formed in response to mechanical stresses.

If you experience sudden or chronic pain, do not wait until it is severe. Visit your doctor before your foot pain causes injury or irreversible damage.

More Information about Feet Disorder