On our website, in the Clinical Trials section, you can find out about all of the clinical trials taking place (or planned) in our clinic.
To apply for participation in a clinical study, fill in the form on our website. We will contact you and discuss further actions. We will tell you what documents are required from you and guide you through the research protocol.
It is important to keep in mind that several conditions must be fulfilled in order to become a participant in the trial. In order to participate in a clinical trial, you need to pass the selection (screening) procedures.
Even if the conditions listed above are fulfilled, our primary investigator may decide that it is not appropriate to include the patient in the trial (for example, when other treatments are indicated or there are safety concerns). In addition, the organizer of the trial or regulatory authorities can stop the enrollment of patients or the trial itself at any time.
You can find out more about clinical trials available in Visionaries by phone or directly from the doctor, who will be able to assess the need for your participation in the trial.